Give Me a Boat: “The Tale of the Unknown Island” by José Saramago, Margaret Jull Costa (translator)

“A MAN WENT TO KNOCK AT THE KING’S DOOR AND said, Give me a boat."
In “The Tale of the Unknown Island” by José Saramago
I love the way Saramago builds this parable by using the Portuguese King D. João II and Columbus. He went to Lisbon in 1476 and remained here for several years, seeking the support of King D. João II and gathering nautical and geographic intelligence from the returning sailors. Why did we want to embark on the Age of Discoveries? Easy: We saw a niche begging to be literally explored. On the other hand, Spain was fighting the Moors, the Turks were attacking Italy, and Austria and France and Britain were fighting each other in the Hundred Year War. Portugal, on the other hand, was a united kingdom with relatively few internal problems and enemies. Smart, uh? We’re always looking for an opportunity to shine bright…
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