Tickboxing Exercise: "The Fifth Season" by J. K. Jemisin

"Back to the personal. Need to keep things grounded, ha ha"
in "The Fifth Season" by J. K. Jemisin
Surely most decent SF is unique, each story is different from other stories, each writer is different from each other writer?
Most of the speculative/dystopian/ science fiction I've read has been written by women and queer people, including non-white women and queer people. It's all been "different". But having got used to reading those imaginings (e.g., Alice Sheldon/James Tiptree Jr.), encountering the kind of white-hetero-male-dominated mainstream stuff mentioned in some comments regarding recent SF does feel really limited/limiting. There's often an absence of racial difference or gender variance in the story lines, lazy stereotyping and dialogue whenever these "others" do appear (and in many stories they don't) and no thought given to how whatever changes have taken place in society might impact on those with less of that kind of privilege.
If you're into stuff like this, you can read the full review.