NYC Schtick: "Woody Allen on Woody Allen" by Woody Allen, Stig Björkman

(Original Review, 2002-05-28)
Haven't seen “Annie Hall” in years (I’m going to rectify it today), but I thought the best lines were when Allen's and Keaton's characters are asked by their analysts the same question, in split-screen:
"How often do you have sex?
Keaton: 'Almost constantly-- twice a week.'
Allen: 'Almost never-- twice a week.' "
Personally I'd also put “Sleeper” and “Play it Again Sam” in the same level as “Annie Hall”, both of which are also laugh out loud funny. But I don’t love Woody Allen’s films because they’re funny (and some of them like “Manhattan” are not that funny.)
If you're into stuff like this, you can read the full review.